Type: MSc dissertation
Publication date: 30/05/2019

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FABIO GOMES GOVEIA Internal Examiner *

Summary: The popularization of the right is a recent phenomenon in Brazil, being an important movement in progress since 2014, when the first anti-protestist demonstrations took place in the country. In this context emerged groups that demanded the impeachment of Dilma Rousseff - like the Movimento Brasil Livre (MBL) - using social networks to reach more and more people dissatisfied with the moment of the country. The MBL is one of the immediate effects of the highly polarized election results of 2014, being the actor of the field of the new Brazilian right that generated and still generates discussions and controversies in the network. To find out if our research question proves to be true – that
the metrics used by us in this work to analyze the data referring to the publications of the Facebook page of Movimento Brasil Livre, from march 2015 to august 2016, would have made it possible to point out that with themes about antipetism and others related to Dilma Rousseff's impeachment gained greater repercussion and acceptance before its audience –, as well as theorizing about networks and interconnections digital divide, deterritorialization and network territories, as well as Big Data and Data Science for social policy research, we will explore a bit about the traditional right and its "remodeled" version and that requires the interconnectivity of the Internet to perpetuate and generate audience. This yaw on the right in Brazil it was possible, as we will see in the course of this dissertation, of several factors, including an organized debate with the intention of ending the PT government, using agendas as the end of corruption and in favor of a
political renewal to legitimize their actions, which led to the president's fall in August 2016 - their main victory. Although we understand that the phenomenon of the new right is not an isolated Brazilian event and that we do not rule out the comprehensiveness of this fact and its characteristics at world level, we delimit ourselves to consider its understanding and analysis "only" to the case from Brazil's point of view. KEY WORDS: Movimento Brasil Livre; new right; big data; social networks; digital methods

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